Application’s Use of Orcha

In this section we describe the end-to-end pipeline of how an application can use ORCHA. At first glance it may seem intimidating because there are several steps involved in the configurations process, however, the steps are many fewer in terms of what the users have to do to make use of ORCHA. The onus on the user/domain science developer are summarized as below.

  1. Ensure that all the dependencies are present. These include Flash-X_recipe_tools, Milhoja_pypkg, and CG-Kit in addition to the Flash-X distribution which includes setup tool and macroprocessor. The installation of |flashx|_recipe Tools will resolve all the other dependencies

  2. Ensure that all data that needs to move to the device either shows up in the argument list of one of the interfaces, or is moved using explicit offloading to the device. The data packet generator only looks at the annotations on the interface file. It assumes that this is all the data it needs to move to the device. If there is any additional data that needs to be there at the device, the unit must include the directives for moving in the code. An example of the kind of data that users may prefer to move themselves would be scalars that are common across all blocks and do not change during the processing of the blocks.

  3. Add comment blocks into the unit’s interface file. The comment block starts with !! milhjoa begin, and ends with !! milhoja end. The first block in the section describes what is common among all interfaces. For example, blkLimits or the bounds of the block that is being operated on is common to several interfaces in all physics. So the extent, the size and the bounds are listed in the block for describing common properties. Comments above each interface then describe the size of arguments in that interface, referring to the common quantities where appropriate. This is information that is parsed and converted into json files by one of the code generators in the tool-chain

  4. Learn to write the recipes in the format that the code generators can understand. Examples of recipes are provided in the code segments below.

def load_recipe() recipe=flashx.TimeStepRecipe() # assuming [Modulename]_[Routine] format # JSON files will be populated by reading


hydro_begin = recipe.begin_orchestration(after=recipe.root)“Hydro_prepBlock”, after=hydro_begin, map_to=gpu) hydro_advance =“Hydro_advance”, after=hydro_prepblock, map_to=gpu) hydro_end = recipe.end_orchestration(hydro_begin, after=hydro_advance) return recipe

The recipe described above is the simplest time-stepper for the Hydro unit when no other physics in called by the time-stepper. Here the first action is to start the recipe, the interface Hydro_prepBlock” allocates all the scratch space needed for computing one block, and it also queries the *Grid unit for all the quantities such as physical coordinates, or cell areas etc that it might need. The interface Hydro_advance computes the fluxes and advances the result in time. In this instance, because both the tasks are mapped to the GPU, the task function generated simply invokes these interfaces one after the other, and the data packet is generated for the union of data used by the two interfaces. Note that the code will work perfectly fine without doing any of the steps described above, however, the performance advantages from latency hiding for data movement will not be possible.